60+ Things to Do While You’re Quarantined

If you told me 3 weeks ago that I’d be staying at home indefinitely with my kids and husband, I’d have thought you were nuts. But things changed quickly and here we are! The best way to keep your stress level low is to keep busy, have some fun and be productive. We know; it’s hard. But take a breath and try to embrace and enjoy the time to do things you NEVER have time to do!

Here are 60+ ways to spend those extra hours…

1. Ride a Roller Coaster
Need a thrill? Experience a roller coaster ride right in your living room. From Steel Vengeance at Cedar Point, tallest hybrid roller coaster at 205 feet tall, steepest drop on a hybrid roller coaster at 90 degrees…to Space Mountain at Disney World…or ride upside down on the Manta Flying Roller Coaster at SeaWorld Orlando in Florida.

2. Have a House Party!
I never thought I’d say this in front of my kids but thank god for social media! It’s what’s keeping us all feeling connected the last week. So put on a little make-up, wash your hair and get out of those pjs for some virtual cocktails or a brunch with HouseParty, the video chat app. You could even play a game of charades or Pictionary with family friends.

3. Try a New Restaurant
Order takeout from a restaurant you’ve never tried before: a fun treat for you and a way to keep our local businesses afloat.

4. Take a Walk!
Be outside as much as possible, and feel good about being there.The coronavirus is not a poisonous gas. It is good for your immune system and good for your mental health. And if you need 30 minutes to yourself, this is a great way to get it!

5. Take a Virtual Tour
Go to a museum…virtually. See dinosaurs and beautiful works of art. Here are a few of our favorite virtual tours.


6. Have a Your Kids Teach You a New Dance
Get out some energy with a dance party. Your kids probably know know more dances than they’ll care to admit. Make a Tik Tok video of yourselves and share it with friends. Form teams, have a dance competition, and make one person the judge. They above video is one of my favorites: check it out here.

7. Get Your “Om” On with a Yoga Class 
Take an online  yoga class to quiet your mind and work your  body out. We like Flowyoganj.com. First class is free. Or do a class with your kids like this one by Alissa Kepas.

8. Make Cards.
Make thank you card
 for the people who are still going to work everyday like healthcare workers, police, fire department, grocery store employees or your mail carrier or Amazon delivery person. Or make a card for someone that you know is alone.

9. Have Someone Famous Read You a Story
Listen to stories read by everyone from Al Gore and Oprah Winfrey to Annette Bening and Betty White on StoryOnline.net

10. Paint a Room
Give your bathroom or bedroom a new look with a fresh coat of paint. Many of the paint stores are offering curbside pickup.

11. Make Pizza!
Make dinner as a family and keep the kids busy with a DIY pizza kits from your local pizzaria–most are offering this now!

12. Start a Garden
Start seedlings for veggie and herbs inside to plant in the spring. The kids will love watching them grow and it will save you some trips to the strore for produce! My friend Karen has a green thumb; she suggests using toilet paper rolls to start the seedlings. She puts the rolls inside of restaurant take out containers and it creates a little terranium!  If you’re not up to the task of creating your own terraniums, you can buy seed starter kit on Amazon like the one below.

13. Treat the Whole Family to a Spa Day.
We all deserve–and need–a little pampering right now! Set the mood for your afternoon spa day: get in your coziest pjs, light some candles, and play soft music. Make a facial mask or homemade face scrubs. Then, everyone deserves a long soak in the tub. Next paint each other’s fingers and toes. Finish with a shoulder rub.

14. Get Unplugged!
Pull out one of the dozens of games gathering dust in your closet or order something new on Amazon.


From familyeducation.com

15. Create an Indoor Obstacle Course
Create an obstacle course where they have to jump and climb on and under chairs and tables–something you’d never let them normally do. Or make one outside with hulahoops and ropes. Here are some ideas.

16. Read a Book Your Neighbor Recommends
Here is our list of books that our readers said they loved so much…they’d read them again!

17. The Library is Open!
Even though you can’t go in the building, you can still use your libray’s free digital sources. You can download eBooks and Audiobooks for your tablets, smartphones and eReaders.

19. Give Your Furniture a Fresh New Look
Order some chalk paint and give your kitchen or bookcase a new look with easy-to-use chalk paint. No priming or sanding. Stores are closed, but we were able to order it on Amazon. Our favorite is the FolkArt Chalk PaintIf you don’t want the shabby chic look, finish it with their clear waxThey also have chalk paint and wax brushes available online.

20. Make a Fairy Garden.
You can make one inside or out using twigs, stones, small containers and small doll furniture. Want some ideas? Check these out.

21. Go to Disneyland
Yes, Disney is closed, but you can tour the amusement park virutally! Visit Cinderella’s castle, walk around France at Epcot, see animal shows in the Animal Kingdom.

22. Work on Your Christmas Card!
I never am ahead of the game with this one. The kids are all home–why not get them together for a family photoshoot.

23. Make Magic
Kids can learn 7 easy magic tricks that will wow the whole family from Evan Era TV.

24. Try a Crunchless Core Work-Out
Have 10 minutes? Work out your core with our fitness trainer, Tammy.


25. Plan your Next Vacation.
Close your eyes and picture yourself on a warm tropical beach some time in the future. You will travel again!
Then, spend a few hours planning a trip to somewhere warm or dreamy to vacation.
Here are few of our favorite vacation destination ideas:
Puerto Rico
Turks & Caicos

Las Vegas & the Grand Canyon
Our Favorite Family Resorts

Ponce, PR
Fairytale Castles
Amtrak Adventures

26. Clear Space on Your Phone (& Your Kids!)
I am so tired of hearing “I don’t have space” from my kids. Get under the covers and delete the plethora of duplicate or bad photos–especially the ones where your face looks fat–as well as old emails and gain space!

27. Have a Dance Party
Blare your favorite tunes and get out some energy with a dance party.
Form teams, have a dance competition, and make one person the judge.

28. Give Blood
Because of the cancellation of blood drives, the American Red Cross is facing a severe shortage of blood. Click here to see where you can make an appointment to give blood.

29. Go Through Old Photos.
 Take a walk down memory lane looking at old photos and home videos. Create a digital album or even a traditional one on Shutterfly. Ask older kids to scan old family prints into your computer before they have aged beyond repair.

30. Organize Your Kids’ Closets.
Out with the old, ripped and too small. Sit with them in their rooms and figure out what fits and what doesn’t. Pack up the clothes that don’t fit to give away for donating later.

31. Camp Out…in the Living Room.
Put up a tent, make smores, tell scary stories and sleep in a tent in your living room.

32. Make Soup.
Get the kids chopping and use up all those veggies that are going to go bad. Make a pot of hearty, comforting soup for dinner with whatever you
can find in the pantry and freezer.

33. Keep a Journal
My kids have been keeping a journal about how they are feeling and what they are doing. Kids have anxiety just like we do and it’s a great way to sort out your feelings. I also think they’ll love reading them years from now. (It’s a great idea for parents too!)

34. Make a Time Capsule
Spend the afertnoon creating a time capsule of 2020. Decorate a shoe box and fill it with things that remind you of this time–like a toiletpaper roll and a newspaper.

sleep, insomnia, routine, eating, drinking, alcohol, exercise, health35. Take a Nap.
When do you ever indulge in a nap? Chances are, you never get enough sleep (find out here how much you need) and you need now to stay healthy! Catch up on your sleep and encourage your kids to do the same. Even if they say they’re not tired, I bet if they lay in a cozy bed reading, they’ll end up asleep.

36. Play Indoor Volleyball!
Blow up a few balloons and pratice your spike ball.

37. Teach your pet a new trick.
Teach your pup how to bring you your slippers or say “hello.” Doggiebuddy.com has lots of ideas.

38. Make a Music Video.
Give in to your kids and make a Tik Tok video; you’re guaranteed to crack yourseld up. Or try musical.ly – your video social network, an app where you can lipsync and make music videos. Pick your favorite song; I bet if you try it, you’ll love it too!

39. Channel Your Inner Fancy Nancy 
and Play Dress Up…with the Whole Family.

That’s me!

40. Play Video Games…with Your Kids.
When do I EVER say “yes” to video games?!?  Take 30 minutes and play something with the kids: Wii Party, sweat to Just Dance, get trapped in a bubble in Mario, NBA 2K. They’ll be in heaven and it’s a fun stress-reliever for you.

41. Get Cooking…
Play a game of Chopped like the show.If you’ve never seen it, watch one episode
On Demand (Food Network) first. You choose their ingredients, put them in a basket and watch your kids
get creative.  Of course, you’re the judge.

42. …and then have a formal Dinner Party.
Get out of those pjs and step away from the tv! Actually get dressed for dinner! My husband did this for my friend last week. He put on a suit and made and served her dinner in the dining room. Set the table, use cloth napkins, light candles, and put on your favorite tunes.

43. Make Homemade Butter
All you need is heavy cream, a tight lidded container and a marble. Plus, you’ll burn some energy! See how on mommypoppins.com

snow day

44. Do a jigsaw puzzle. 
You have one sitting in a closet somewhere, and it is not as boring as it sounds. It’s like meditating in a group.

45. Build a fort.
Get creative with blankets, sheets and pillows and string some Christmas lights to make it extra special! Need ideas?Here are some tips.

46. Work on Your Family Tree.
Have the kids help make a family tree or order one online. The one above is a
walll decal and includes photos. Check out some of our favorite family trees.

47. Have Christmas…in April.
If you have a fake tree, put it up, and decorate the house with lights. Why not? You’re stuck at home anyway. This town in Cleveland is putting Christmas lights on their porches to create a efeling of connectedness.

48. Send Them on a Scavenger Hunt.
Feel free to include some things you’ve been looking for–like all those missing socks! Whoever kinds the most socks gets a prize! It’s is also a great way to have them find their uniforms for the weekend now.

49. Do an Fun Science Experiment
Do a fun, yummy science project–you’re home-schooling anyway!The kids will have fun…and maybe even learn something. From fun edible experiments like making ice cream in a ziploc or rock candy pops to bloated gummy bears or homemade lava lamps.

50. Teach your child a card game.
This one will get their heart racing: Slap! It’s intense, moves fast and they always end up giggling.51. Curl Up and Watch a Movie.
Pop some popcorn and curl up with an afternoon movie or two. Or binge-watch a series.
(Shut off all cell phones please.)

karaoke52. Sing Your Heart Out: Karaoke.
 Get silly. If you don’t have the machine, or the video game, try this app. A snow day is a great time to let your kids see your crazy side — by that I mean your college crazy side and not your Jack Nicholson from the Shining crazy side.

53. Create a Family Cookbook.
Put together recipes that are near and dear to your heart in a family heritage cookbook. The kids can help too by making drawings to go with it. This is a project that will take more than a day, but today is a great day to start it. Have it ready for the women in your life for Mother’s Day.

54. Call or FaceTime Relatives.
Our weekdays are so packed with activities that as much as I want the kids to call grandparents, aunts and uncles, there never seems to be time. They’ll love hearing from you today. It’ll make them feel loved and connected.

55 Watch your wedding video.
 Your kids will love seeing you when you were young…and that hairstyle from 15 years ago.

56. Make homemade cards for upcoming birthdays.
Grandparents will especially love this. Store them, and pull them out when you need them.

57. Clean out your game closet.
You will feel accomplished and it will inspire you and your kids to play some games you
haven’t looked at in years.

58. Play Pictionary.
You don’t even need the game. Make your own cards that represent things that everyone in your family can associate with.

59. Read Together.
For little ones, climb into bed with 5 of your favorite picture books. With older kids, start out reading their favorite books from when they were little and then, settle into each of your own books.

60. Have a House Party!
Make a formal invitation, create fun cocktails and mocktails, and have a dinner party. Here’s Karen’s Tips for a Fun House Party.

61. Play Two Truths and a Lie
This is a great way for you all to learn something new about eachother. Each person tells 2 true facts and 1 lie to the group. The group has to figure out which statement is the lie. For example, “When I was in college, to make extra money, 1) I babysat, 2) worked in McDonalds or 3) worked at Yankee Staidum. Which is the lie?”

62. Go hide in the bathroom with a good book and a bottle of wine
Finally, when all else fails, turn on the TV for your kids, and go hide in the bathroom with a good book and a bottle of wine or a QuarantiniNo guilt. It isn’t your fault your cooped up for weeks with the kids. They have to learn to entertain themselves for Pete’s sake!

35+ Fun Cocktails to Try During the Quarantine.

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Author: Heather Zachariah

Former Art Director for Home Magazine, Heather Leahy Zachariah, left her career in publishing after baby number number one. She now works from home as a freelance graphic designer and a chauffeur to her 3 busy kids. "Working on TipsFromTown has been a wonderful outlet for me. It renewed my love of publishing where I can design colorful, enticing pages online and allows me to share the things I love about being a mom." Heather grew up in Shaker Heights, Ohio, a place that still is near and dear to her. " After living in Brooklyn for 18 years and studying Graphic Design at Pratt Institute, she now lives in the Jersey burbs. "I love living so close to NYC, but in my heart, I'm an Ohio girl."


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