How to Give Back While You Shop on Amazon
Amazon Prime has saved me countless times: for that birthday gift that you forgot to buy or the school supplies that you need tomorrow. If you’re as dependent as I am on Amazon (but please, when you can shop locally when you can!), you should sign up for AmazonSmile. It’s a simple way to support your favorite charity or […]7 Tips for Cutting Down Your Grocery Bill
I know it is my job to feed my family, but come on! Every time I go to the supermarket — and I try to go to the less fancy ones even though I end up wanting to rip my hair out at the long check out line — I spend hundreds of dollars. If I […]Is Your American Girl Doll Breaking the Bank?
If you feel like your American Girl dolls are putting you in the poor house, you might want to shop around for less expensive options. There are deals to be had! Over the last few years, I’ve stocked my daughter’s stash with clothing and accessories from Target, Michael’s and my favorite, Etsy. I have found unique […]20 Things for Your Back To School “To Do” List
With only days left before it is “back to school” time – Here is what STILL needs to be done: School Supply Shopping Direct the kids to Cliffs Notes to review the book they were “supposed to” read – or download the movie so they don’t look like complete slackers! Get the car washed AND […]Get Away to Beacon, NY in the Hudson Valley
I lived in Brooklyn for 16 years, so I felt a sense of belonging as I walked around Beacon, NY last weekend. The town was settled in 1709 and has gone through lots of changes in it’s 300 year history but word on the street is that Brooklynites have flooded this town…and revived it. Over […]Shopping For a Tomboy
I have a tomboy. When she gets older, she says she wants to open a clothing store for girls like her who don't like bows and glitter and hearts and frill. In the meantime, we moms of tomboys are left to scour for something she will wear and we can live with.
Shopping for Teens and Tweens
If you are on the hunt for stylish juniors apparel, search no further! Here is a list of my favorite places to shop for teens and tweens. Be sure to keep these stores in mind on your next shopping trip! Abercrombie Kids In recent years, this classic brand has expanded its offerings from preppy polos and […]10 Gifts Under $50 That Feel Good to Give…and Receive
Ok, I’ll be honest. I still get excited like a kid on Christmas morning to open gifts…including gifts for me! Everyone in my family thinks about others during this season and we all make an effort to give to those who have less, but we all enjoy giving and receiving gifts too. So, here are some great gifts that you […]H & M Personal Shopping Experience
A great way to save money and have an enjoyable shopping experience.
Best Shopping Vacations
A shopping vacation is just that, a vacation not necessarily to some place beautiful or relaxing, but a vacation to a place to shop. Find great shopping vacation ideas and travel inspiration from this list.
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