

The Summer Camp for Rising Stars…(and Everyone Else!)

French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts, nestled around a 40 acre private natural lake is not your ordinary camp. They do more shows, concerts, dance performances and circus performances than any camp out there. Famous for their music, theater, and circus programs, French Woods has the largest children’s circus training facility in the world! And their theater program will put on more than 80 theater […]

20+ Things to Do on a Snow Day

Even though we just came back from vacation…I sort of need a vacation…from my vacation. The holidays are exhausting. We all settled in to an unhealthy routine of staying up late and sleeping in. My body (and my children’s bodies) have not adjusted so I am rather thankful for another day to sleep past 7am! […]

Calling All Tinkerers to Camp Louemma!!

Disassembly and intense interest in the every day are signs of a strong creative, intuitive instinct.  Have you ever left your child alone for a few minutes and come back only to find the DVD player or an electronic toy…completely disassembled?! Or remember buying your toddler the newest and greatest “IT” toy for his birthday only to find […]