Miss Amazing Special Needs Pageant

The Miss Amazing Pageant a national organization – will be coming to Ridgewood this Saturday, May 12 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Ridgewood. This promises to be a truly wonderful event with extraordinary young women.

The mission of the Miss Amazing Pageant is to provide an opportunity for girls and young women with disabilities to build confidence and self-esteem in a supportive environment. All applicants are eligible to participate in the event. One representative in each age division will be selected to represent New Jersey for the 2012/2013 year. There will be opportunities to appear at events throughout the year and return as the reigning queen for the 2013 pageant. All participants will be awarded with a trophy. Join the Miss Amazing family and become the best you can be!

The Miss Amazing Pageant was founded in 2006 in Nebraska by Jordan Somer. This nonprofit organization in the form of a pageant is made to help women and young girls with disabilities become more self-confident and build their self-esteem in a supportive environment. Bergen County’s own Maris Ferreira is now the New Jersey State Director of the Miss Amazing Pageant. “I became interested in the Miss Amazing Pageant when I saw the founder, Jordan Somer, on the HALO awards on Teen Nick. She was so inspiring and wanted to see the pageant go national. After a few weeks of interviewing I was chosen to be the first ever New Jersey State Director for the Miss Amazing Pageant. My involvement in this pageant will hopefully make a big impact on the disabled community! This is the first year of the pageant in New Jersey so to be a part of this is a amazing feeling!”

Volunteers are needed to help all participants with the activities throughout the day. If the participant requires someone other than volunteers to stay with them, please let us know at registration. The event is May 12, 2012, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm at Mount Carmel Church Auditorium, 52 Passaic Street, Ridgewood, NJ 07450. If you are interested in participating, please contact, Maris Ferreira 201-444-763 or email njmissamazing@yahoo.com.

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Author: erinpruitt

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