White Elephant Party

If you are in the mood for a post-holiday party with friends, throw a White Elephant. A White Elephant is very simple and very fun. Essentially it’s a gag gift swap. But there’s a competitive element to it. Everyone brings one wrapped gift (either a regift or a gag gift) and places it in a pile. The best are tacky or useless gifts you have received, or found in a store. The more outlandish and useless the funner, things like that giant snowman from your mother-in-law, or a Snuggie would be big hits. Usually the price range requirement is a $20-$30 maximum.

Next, each person draws a number from a bowl. The number drawn determines the order in which they will pick a gift from the pile. Whoever selects the number one starts by choosing whatever present they want from the pile and unwraps it. Then the person with number 2 has the option to either pick any wrapped gift from the pile or take person number one’s already unwrapped gift. Each person thereafter has the choice to either take an unwrapped present from the pile or take another’s gift that has already been opened. They also have the choice to swap gifts. If the subsequent player asks to swap, they must do so. The fun part is that you never know what you will end up with. If you are hosting the party, you can include one special gift that everyone would want such as a bottle of wine or a gift certificate. It makes the competition even more exciting.

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Author: erinpruitt

I believe the best stuff is passed along. I will be sharing insider "tips" for your home, and fun ideas for your free time.