Irish Gifts Of RVC

So last month, me and my guy were on our way to his sister’s wedding. As he was dashing out the door to pick up his suit from the dry cleaner he said to me “Oh, man, I wish I had a flask.” At first I was like “ummm okay, ya big lush, ya”  But then I thought about him being reunited with his five siblings – two of them being male, at their baby sister’s wedding.

I went into town and got the mani/pedi and stood out there on Park Avenue and thought to myself, hmmm where could I possibly get a flask two hours before we are to be at a wedding in Queens? I literally looked up and there, right in the middle of prime real estate on North Park Avenue was my answer: The Irish Gift Shop!

l have loved this store over the years for purchasing gorgeous wool sweaters and baby gifts. I never thought they would carry such a lovely array of silver flasks! Now, most of you know that my love is not of Irish decent, and getting him a flask with a shamrock or “Murphy” on it wouldn’t be appropriate. I explained this to the very helpful saleswoman and she pointed me in the direction of very impressive, sturdy flasks that would certainly satisfy my want.

Not only did I buy a flask that day but I also purchased a piggy bank for a dear friend’s new daughter. This is what I love so much about our town – not only can I walk EVERYWHERE, but there is really nothing that I am looking for that can’t be purchased from a small business. Oh yeah, and I ended up being a stellar girlfriend because I bought a bottle of Bourbon to go along with my guy’s gift. The wedding was great, and the flask turned out to be a novelty – but I really believe that when we left the house w/ that in his jacket pocket, he thought he was the man. lol I am positive this will end up being a wedding tradition.

PS I learned that the shop is officially called “Kathleen’s of Donegal Irish Import and Gift Shop.” Wouldn’t want to not give credit where credit is due!


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Author: Thea Ferzola