Avoid the BBQ Binge

Happy 4th of July! Besides marking our freedom, this day may also mark the beginning of BBQ season for many. I have a few suggestions to avoid overeating and excessive caloric intake, without cramping your social standing.

There is often a tendency at BBQs to nosh constantly while your grill master is perfecting the main course. Often these snacks are less than ideal. There always tends to be a plethora of cold beverages available to “beat the heat.” Finally what BBQ is complete without some form of icy treat afterwards?

Before attending the BBQ (or any event for that matter) make sure you eat a well-balanced, nutritional meal before, or have a small healthy snack (preferably protein) to fill you up. Avoid hanging out near the snack tables – there’s a tendency to eat more without realizing it, while you’re busy chatting it up.

When it’s time to eat, remember your plate portions and fill at least half that plate with veggies (I hear my hubby groaning as I type this because he is the ultimate carnivore and thinks anything that is a vegetable at a BBQ is a waste of time). Although, this is great advice if you are concerned about the amount you’re eating. For the post dinner treat, try to stick to fruit or if you really want that ice cream – enjoy, BUT in moderation.

Finally, let’s talk adult beverages… don’t get me wrong, I am all for a cold crisp brew on a hot day but let’s not fool ourselves — those beers, white wine, or coolers are not re-hydrating us, in fact they do the exact opposite PLUS they are high in empty calories.  Let’s not even imagine how we feel the day after consuming those happy drinks all day in the hot sun.  A good method to enjoy those drinks without consuming too much or feeling like Anthony Bourdain on location the next morning is to SPACE out those drinks. Consider drinking a large glass of water in between alcoholic drinks (this will assist in maintaining true hydration), and having one of these drinks no less than 1 ½ – 2 hours apart. Try to avoid the sugary sodas, lemonades and iced teas (also high in calories). Another suggestion is to hydrate with water the day and morning before the BBQ.

This advice is not meant to rain on your BBQ, but to prevent your busy social calendar from sabotaging your hard work. In the end, if you do overindulge, take it easy on the heavy foods and watch the quantity the next day or two and consider ramping up that cardio a bit more than usual.

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Author: tammyjuco

Motivating and assisting you and your family to a healthier and happier lifestyle.