
The Summit Free Public Library is not just for books anymore!  The  library’s “Vision Statement” says that the library “will be the focal point for knowledge, entertainment, social gathering and the exchange of ideas.” And the vision is a reality!

The library offers dozens of programs for adults, children and teens, but one of our favorite programs at the library this fall is Monday at the Movies!  The library will be showcasing award-winning, foreign, and independent films every Monday at 12:30PM and then again at 6:30PM. The viewings don’t require registration and are free and open to the public.

On Monday, November 16 the library is showing “RED ARMY.”  This is a feature documentary about the Soviet Union and the most successful dynasty in sports history: the Red Army hockey team. Told from the perspective of its captain, Slava Fetisov, the story portrays his transformation from national hero to political enemy. It’s an inspiring story about the Cold War played out on the ice rink, and a man who stood up to a powerful system and paved the way for change for generations of Russians. (Rated PG. 85 minutes.)

“MAGIC IN THE MOONLIGHT” is the selection for Monday, November 23. In this classic Woody Allen film we meet Chinese conjuror Wei Ling Soo, the most celebrated magician of his age. However, few know that he is the stage persona of Stanley Crawford (Colin Firth), a grouchy and arrogant Englishman with a sky-high opinion of himself and an aversion to phony spiritualists’ claims. Persuaded by a friend, Stanley goes on a mission to the Côte d’Azur mansion of the Catledge family in order to debunk an alluring young clairvoyant (Emma Stone) who is staying there. You don’t want to miss this one! (Rated PG-13. 100 minutes.)

Then on November 30 you can catch “LOVE IS STRANGE.” This is a story not just about love, but also about getting older, relationships with friends and family, and New York real estate. After nearly 40 years together, Ben (John Lithgow) and George (Alfred Molina) finally tie the knot. But when George loses his job soon after, the couple must sell their apartment and temporarily live apart until they can find an affordable new home. George moves in with two cops who live downstairs, and Ben lands in Brooklyn with his nephew, his wife, and their temperamental teenage son, with whom Ben shares a bedroom. Ben and George struggle with the pain of separation and the tensions of their new living arrangements. (Rated R. 98 minutes.)
So set aside time on your Mondays to see some entertaining, thought provoking and enlightening films – for free!

What You Need To Know:

Summit Free Public Library
75 Maple Street, Summit

Monday, November 16 at 12:30PM and 6:30pm – “Red Army”
Monday, November 23 at 12:30PM and 6:30pm “Magic In The Moonlight”
Monday, November 30 at 12:30PM and 6:30pm “Love is Strange”

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Author: Patricia Cassin


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