The Easter Bunny WAS Here

easter, bunny, eggs, springI have a very hard time treating my kids like grown ups. I know this is because I don’t want them to get older, sassy and cynical. It is also because they aren’t adults just yet. I want to keep it this way as long as possible. In my house, we don’t call our private parts by their anatomical names, despite the experts who say we should. We don’t swear around the kids — intentionally. And, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny come every year! The Big Guy still has a very solid rep around here. The Bunny … well, even I have a hard time with this one. Yet, I am committed to keeping the magic alive as long as possible.

– I throw other kids under the bus constantly. “Mom, Sally in my class doesn’t believe in the Easter Bunny.” My response, “That kid always struck me as slightly odd.” Then, I change the subject. Healthy, I know.

– We leave carrots, salad, cabbage, and any other produce out on Easter Eve. That damn bunny always leaves a HUGE mess all over the kitchen. I always get really angry and mutter under my breath about E.B. while I’m cleaning up.

– E.B. often brings treats I would never approve of. Again, I do some serious eye rolling and whispering to my husband about how he could bring something healthy once in a while.

– I respond to any doubtful or specific questions with, “How would I know? It’s magic.” Or, my favorite conversation ender, “Because, God made it that way.”

– Bunny prints. I haven’t done this yet, but I might start this year. Click here for a printable stencil. Just cut out the footprints and sprinkle baby powder, baking soda or powdered sugar (watch out for ants) over the paper, onto the ground.

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Author: Karen Latimer

Karen is a Family Doctor, mom of five and founder of Tips From Town.


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