
Karen Latimer

Karen is a Family Doctor, mom of five and founder of Tips From Town.

Posts By This Author

Don’t Let the Holidays Stress Get You!

(I originally wrote this post when my kids were younger, but I reread today, and the advice still holds true. I hope it helps you too!) My family loves the holiday season. They are counting the days down until Thanksgiving, and wish the time would fly by. I, on the other hand, am looking at the […]

List’m: The App to Simplify Your Life

Have you ever had an idea for an app or a website or a product? Most people have, even if it is just a general inkling that there should be a better way to do something. You find yourself in need of a gadget or a gizmo, and you think, “Someone must’ve already done this.” […]

50+ Fabulous Thanksgiving Recipes

Get your bellies emptied out so you can fill them back up on Thanksgiving. Here are our staffs’ favorite recipes. Start with a cocktail.. Here are 20+ of our Favorite Festive Cocktails. Or would you prefer a glass of wine… Check out out 15 Favorite Appetizers T H E  B I R D Easy & Healthy Lemon […]

6 Tips for Kids Who Are Scared of Halloween

My 18 year old doesn’t like Halloween. She is the kid who double checks all the doors are locked every night and scolds my husband and me when we are lax about safety. It follows she wouldn’t care for a macabre holiday. She doesn’t understand why I would want fake blood, headless figures and  scary […]

Where to Get Free Homework Help

Have a child that could use a little extra help with homework? RHS students volunteer at The Ridgewood Public Library and offer free homework help for grades 2 to 9 after school on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:00 tp 5:00pm. When you register, you can specify which subject your child needs help in and whether you’d […]

Which is Better: Gatorade or Water?

Are sports drinks a nutritional replenishment or simply the new soda? Should you pump your kids full of Gatorade so they don’t dehydrate…or are you just providing empty calories? Gatorade was produced in response to a request by the University of Florida’s football coach who was looking for a way to keep his athletes from getting dehydrated. In the hot Florida […]

How to Prevent Heat Stroke

1. Who is susceptible to Heat Illness? Children under the age of 4 and adults over the age of 65 are at most risk of becoming ill from the heat. Obesity, certain medications, some chronic illnesses and being overdressed all further increase the risk. Today, I’m focusing on kids but the idea is pretty much the same for seniors. […]

7 Easy Dinners You Should Keep in Your Back Pocket

Many parents find putting dinner on the table one of the most daunting daily tasks. Figuring out what to make, shopping, ensuring the meal is healthy, catering to picky eaters, actually making the meal … all of it can be, at the very least, annoying. There are thousands of meals online, so there is plenty to choose […]

I’ve Been a Nice Mom…Did That Hurt My Kids?

Last Wednesday, I saw a video I thought my son, Shane, would like to see. When I called up to him to come downstairs, his immediate response was, “Are you mad? Am I in trouble?” I asked him, “Shane, when am I ever mad at you?” and his response was, “You never really are.” “When do […]

Just What I Needed to Hear Today.

My sister sent me something today I’d love to share with everyone. She shared it with me, because after listening to my Audible Original Take Back the House, she thought it would resonate with me. She was right. It definitely echoes my intended message, but it also struck a timely chord with me personally. My son, […]


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