Move of the Week – Bent Over Row

Last week we worked the chest so this week we’ll work the opposing or antagonistic muscles – the back- specifically the mid back area between the shoulder blades and the back of the shoulders or rear deltoids. We’ll also be targeting the biceps too.

Using a Resistance Tube, place one foot in the middle of the tube to secure it to the floor. Stagger the free foot back in a semi-lunge and hinge forward at your hips, keeping your back flat and your abdominals engaged. Reach down along the length of the tube and grab it at about shin height. Looking at a 45-degree angle will keep your neck in line with the rest of your spine (don’t look down because the rest of your body will tend to follow resulting in bad, bad form). As you exhale, pull the tube up to your ribs, keeping your elbows pointing straight back (this is a NARROW Row) and your shoulders pressed down away from your ears. As you inhale, lower the tube for 3 counts and repeat. Work up to 2 sets of 15 – 20 reps. If this gets easy, shorten the tube or begin using a thicker resistance tube.

Notes: Because this is a bent over exercise, it’s imperative that you watch your form and technique not to injure your lower back. Concentrate on squeezing the shoulder blades together as you pull the tube toward you ribs. Pause for a second or two before you lower your hands. Switch feet with the second set.

Modifications: 1. A WIDE Row is performed the exact same way but with both elbows pointing to opposite walls (away from the body). 2. If you do NOT have lower back issues and have strong abdominals you can place both feet on the middle of the tube and come into a semi – squat to perform either the Narrow or Wide Row.

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Author: tammyjuco

Motivating and assisting you and your family to a healthier and happier lifestyle.


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