Holiday tips
Why My Kid Doesn’t Have an Elf
So, you buy the book and put the elf on the shelf and the stress doesn’t end until Dec 25. I mean, the elf is always looking to you for help, right? I was complaining about elf stress to a friend this week who smiled and revealed that her child did not have an elf–you know who you are! I […]Make Money for Charities While You Shop
One of the easiest ways to make money for your favorite charity or your child’s school is to shop through Amazon Smile. It’s is a simple, automatic and no cost to you.You can choose from nearly one million organizations to support! Simply sign up one time smile.amazon.com and then Amazon will donate a portion (around 0.5%) of the purchase price […]5 Tips to Actually Enjoy Your Holiday Season
The holidays should present a wonderful reason to spend time with family, reflect on the year, sing carols and relish in the joy of the season. For many parents though, the holidays have become a time of stress and frustration. On top of already incredibly busy lives, we add the pressure of making a magical, […]Your Thanksgiving To-Do List
Every year, I make a list of what I can get done in the days before Thanksgiving. If you wrote out notes to yourself like we suggested last year, pull that out and add to it. If not, try making notes as you go this year. You’ll thank yourself later! Here’s my list for what you […]Tips for Talking Around the Turkey
By Kathryn Lancioni, Founder and CEO of Presenting Perfection Most people you know look forward to Thanksgiving. For some people it is the food, for others it is the football and yet for others it is the simple break before the December holidays. But, there is one thing most people don’t look forward it—that’s the […]15+ Gifts Under $50 That Feel Good to Give…and Receive.
I decided to create more than one list this year. So after you check out my "Under $50" list, you can peruse "Gifts $100 and Under That Feel Good to Give & Receive" and Stocking Stuffers That Feel Good to Give.Mason Jar Snow Globes
DIY Christmas and holiday snowglobes in mason jars and vintage glass jars. These make a great project to do with the kids and they make wonderful gifts!
Christmas 2015: A Letter to Myself
I just put away all my Christmas decorations. I’ll be sweeping up pine needles for months and the last thing I want to think about is next Christmas. But … I’m going to force myself to spend fifteen minutes planning for next year. This past December, the holiday felt like a full time job, for […]Subscribe!
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