List’m: The App to Simplify Your Life
Have you ever had an idea for an app or a website or a product? Most people have, even if it is just a general inkling that there should be a better way to do something. You find yourself in need of a gadget or a gizmo, and you think, “Someone must’ve already done this.” […]How Were Your College Kids Over Thanksgiving?
“I want a redo.” Also Read: Tips for Staying Healthy in College Two of my kids are in college now, and even with three still at home, the house feels so empty. I was giddy they were coming back, sleeping in their own beds, and I was planning all these moments to catch up with them. If […]Just What I Needed to Hear Today.
My sister sent me something today I’d love to share with everyone. She shared it with me, because after listening to my Audible Original Take Back the House, she thought it would resonate with me. She was right. It definitely echoes my intended message, but it also struck a timely chord with me personally. My son, […]Will My Children Get the Vaccine?
I’ve been asked many times recently if I will let my children get the vaccine. The answer is yes. The better question is, do I think my children need the vaccine? The answer to that, given the data and the evidence, is no. I will take my kids for the vaccine when I have to, […]Kobe: Why It Hit This Non-Sports Fan Hard
The death of Kobe Bryant hit all of us hard this weekend but what hit the hardest for me was discovering what he was doing when he died. Something so average and mundane. Something I do every day—and often complain about. He was carpooling (via helicopter) his child and her friend to a travel basketball game when the […]5 Meaningful Ways to Spend Fathers’ Day
Okay, so you want to do something awesome for Dad and you’ve scoured the stores and internet trying to figure out what to do. You’ve seen countless home brew kits and the the top 20 latest tech gadgets that will be obsolete before Christmas. None of them seem to fit the bill and what families […]When is the Best Time of Year to Have a Baby?
I gave birth in each of the four seasons, so I feel I can speak intelligently on this topic. Of course, whenever I meet a pregnant woman, I tell her that her due date is ideal. Ever since I closed shop on my personal baby factory, I feel really badly for expecting women. I have […]Irish Blessings
The Irish have a long love affair with the spoken and written word. Think of all the wonderful writers who have hailed from this somewhat small island: Oscar Wilde, James Joyce and W.B Yeats. I’ve heard and grown to love these Irish blessings at weddings, birthdays, farewells and funerals over the years. I can still hear […]How to Find Out Just How Irish You Are
So you think of yourself as being Irish. Maybe you even have an Irish last name. But just how Irish are you? I recently found out by using a DNA Kit for me and my kids. Turns out that despite my Irish maiden name, I’m far less than I thought! There are several different kits, but after […]Making a Family Tree to Treasure
Your family is your greatest treasure. So, why not use your family names to create your favorite work of art? Custom made and personalized with your family names, Family Tree Art makes the perfect gift at your next shower or grandparents celebration. Comes in pink or blue (back paper has guides for photos). By Famille Summerbelle. Custom art print, […]Subscribe!
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