One Of My Faves — Crushed Garlic

Do you hate when you have to chop garlic and then your hands smell for days afterwards? You never have to have this happen again. This is definitely one of my favorite finds. I bought this at Trader Joe’s and I use it for everything. Each square equals one minced garlic clove. I just pop however many squares I need right into my pan and then return the rest to the freezer. There is no difference in the taste and no one has ever been able to tell the difference. They also sell cilantro, ginger, basil, parsley and more. My local grocery store just started selling them as well in the freezer section. If you are making a cold dish, just pop what you need into a bowl and let it thaw.

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Author: amynidds

Amy loves to help you find the best deals out there or something she thinks you just have to have! Content and Finds Editor


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