Biking In NYC-Perfect Day Trip
One of our families favorite things to do is bike along the West Side Highway. You can take your own bikes or rent them. I rented them at the Waterfront Bicycle Shop Bike Rental 391 West Street. It is around the outdoor trapeze center.
I ride north first and check out by The Intrepid which is very doable. Then I head south. You can stop and play mini golf depending on how much time you have. We bike down to World Financial Center and lock up our bikes and have lunch there. Then we continue down to the end of Battery Park City for photos with the Statue of Liberty.
Tip for Traveling with Little Ones:
If you have little ones, keep in mind the wind is always worse one direction, so you do that direction first. Also, if New Jersey has off school one day and New York doesn’t, that is a great time to go because it is somewhat empty. It is very busy on weekends and may be hard to take younger children.
Sun & Fun on the Asbury Boardwalk

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