Beat the Heat with infused water


chiara%2Bdrink%2BdispenserWe repeatedly hear how important it is to stay hydrated during a Summer heat wave.  While some folks can consume several glasses of water in a day, others have a hard time drinking “plain” water in large amounts.  Perhaps by creating infused waters with a little help from a variety of fresh citrus and herbs, the result will become more appealing.  In addition, you can put to use some food items that might otherwise become overripe or even discarded.
Served from a large beverage dispenser, infused waters are not only more flavorful, they also look fresh and inviting.


Here a just a few fun combinations to add some variety to your H20:

  1. Strawberries, lemons, and fresh basil
  2. Oranges and blueberries
  3. Watermelon and mint 
  4. Strawberries, limes, and cucumbers
  5. Citrus of choice and cilantro
  6. Pineapple, cucumber, and mint

You can come up with your own great recipe – add spices, lavender, ginger, etc.

Share your favorite combination with us, we’d love to hear them.




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