Last-Minute SAT/ACT Test Day Prep

Tanya Panossian-Lesser, a National Board Certified teacher and experienced tutor, joins us again this week with some timely advice for your teen taking the SATs/ACTs this fall.  Keep these tips in mind as he or she prepares for the big day:

1. Get a good night’s sleep for the two evenings prior to the test. This is more helpful than staying up late to cram.

2. Eat your “typical” breakfast. This isn’t the day to have a big stack of pancakes when you’ve been eating cereal and juice everyday. Even though the test is a few hours long, eating extra food in the morning will make you sleepy. Cereal, fruit, toast, and yogurt are all good choices.

3. Bring a snack. Nuts, granola bars, and bananas are light foods that will keep your body happy. Also, remember to bring water.

4. Dress in layers so that you can cool down or warm up if necessary.

5. Make sure you have your calculator (extra batteries too!) and sharpened pencils.

6. Get your body’s circulation going through exercise or active yoga. Just 20 minutes should work to bring you out of sleep mode. During the test, don’t slouch over and lean your head on your hand as your brain will start switching to sleep mode again.

7. Keep a positive attitude!

In addition to her National Certification, Panossian-Lesser is a State-Certified Teacher in NJ and NY. She has more than 10 years of experience teaching at the middle- and high-school levels. Known as “The Ridgewood Tutor,” Panossian-Lesser can be reached at For more info, visit

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Author: ellseaver

Family Editor - When it comes to family matters, there is always something to talk about. Ellen shares the latest.