How to Slim Down a Pizza Slice

Our family loves pizza night. Sometimes this is my “go to” dinner for my children when we have busy schedules. I have always thought it to be a healthy dinner, especially when we add the salad. Guess what? That’s not always the case.

This months Women’s Health (March 2102) has a great article by Karen Ansel, R.D. “How to Slim Your Slice” which reveals, the revised USDA guidelines and singles out pizza as the second highest source of saturated fat and third with high sodium in the US diet.  That makes me sad, but it won’t stop me from ordering it once in awhile.

The next time you order a pizza, here are a few tricks to help slim it down:  ask for the pizza to be made with half the usual amount of cheese (saves 85 calories per slice); choose slim crust vs the regular kind (saves 49 calories per slice); order a tomato pie (sauce only) and sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese (saves 63 calories per slice).  If you order extra toppings – spinach, green peppers, roasted peppers, mushrooms, onions or tomatoes are all fewer than 5 calories.

Sorry to burst the bubble but the good old fashion favorites are noted as the best options if you are being calorie conscious: Pepperoni (30 calories), Italian Sausage (44 calories), Bacon (43 calories), Ground Beef (38 calories), Olives (13 calories), Chicken (18 calories), Anchovies (14 calories).  I guess as they say, everything in moderation when it comes time to selecting Pizza Toppings.


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Author: megandunphey


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