Fitness In The Park

exerciseRed Bank Parks and Recreation is offering yoga, zumba and pilates at Riverside Gardens Park, 40 West Front Street every Wednesday through September 30th from 6:00-7:00pm. For yoga or pilates classes, please bring a towel or mat. You also will need to bring your own water and wear comfortable clothing. In case of inclement weather, call the YMCA at 732-741-2504, ext. 210 for cancellation information. Here is the line up for the remainder of 2015:

September 2: Zumba
September 9: Pilates
September 16: Yoga
September 23: Zumba
September 30: Pilates


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Author: amynidds

Amy loves to help you find the best deals out there or something she thinks you just have to have! Content and Finds Editor