Get Informed About the High Density Development in Ridgewood

Citizens for a Better Ridgewood is a non-profit group formed  with a mission to preserve the quality of life, unique character and attractiveness of the Village of Ridgewood.

CBR was organized in response to the proposals currently before the Ridgewood Planning Board which seek to amend the Village’s master plan to increase the number of allowed residential units from the current 12 units per acre to more than 40. At least four different development sites are under consideration. The CBR is more than a little concerned about this for many reasons, including, but not limited to:

– the impact on our already overcrowded schools

– the impact on traffic and parking, making it even more difficult to support stores in town

– safety — on many fronts

– the strain this will put on our public resources

– the immense increase of units allowed per acre, and unrestrained growth which can ensue

– the destruction of the character of our town and the availability of play spaces for our children. The Open Space Committee stated there is not room for one more sports team.

the effect this will have on property value

We enjoy the benefits of living in a capitalist society, and would not question anyone’s right to make a buck. The developers, of course, have a right to develop their land within the constraints of the current master plan, which are both reasonable and comparable to other towns. Even a slight increase is not unreasonable, however, developers would like to go from 12 units per acre to 43 units per acre, which is similar to the density that’s permitted in Fort Lee.

The attached document was prepared by the lawyers representing Citizens for a Better Ridgewood. If you are a resident of this town, you need to care about this, one way or the other. We at Tips are extremely concerned for the future of the town. We would like answers to how this will affect the quality of the schools and the safety of our children. Our town and our schools are already bursting at the seams. We would like to hear the other side. Are there potential positives for current Ridgewood residents? We will publish any counter argument by residents of Ridgewood as to why we should be looking at this differently.

Please, regardless of which way you might lean, take the time to get informed. 

Citizens for a Better Ridgewood Website (organization discussed above)

CBR Position

Downtown Ridgewood (one developer’s point of view)




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