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Anxiety Hack for Your Kids: Open a Window

  8 MINUTE LISTEN I think a lot about how much we have complicated life, how with all of our modern advances designed to make life easer, we have unwittingly created a world of chaos. While I am very grateful for all that makes our world safer and more pleasant than it was in the […]

An Herbal Remedy for Anxiety

Anxiety is on the rise. I blame cell phones and social media — so does just about anyone else who has given it some thought.. Since it looks like these two stress-boosting phenomenons are going no where, we have to adjust around them. As a physician, I am obligated to say the best way to reduce […]

Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety

TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2020  •  6:30 PM  8:00 PM Mahwah Municipal Alliance (MMA) presents Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety, Free Film Screening Angst is an IndieFlix Original, documentary designed to raise awareness around anxiety. The film includes interviews with kids, teens, educators, experts, parents and a very special interview with American Gold Medalist: Michael Phelps. The goal […]

College, Anxiety, and Our Immediate Gratification Culture

My oldest daughter went to college this year. As her mom, I was hoping she would hit the ground running, call to tell me everything was great, and be having so much fun, meeting so many wonderful people and feeling so appropriately challenged academically, she would be too busy to call again. As a realist, I knew […]

How to Beat Back to School Anxiety

Also read: How to Relieve Teen Anxiety Watch what you say. Your children will take your vibe and run with it. If you are dreading the start of school, if you have anxiety about your child’s ability to succeed, if you are worried about the teacher she will get or already know she has, keep it […]

Beat Back to School Anxiety in 5 Easy Steps

We all suffer from some degree of Back to School anxiety. Here's how to help your kids manage it.

Teens with Communication Anxiety

March 25 and April 22  • 12:30 to 2pm  If your child struggles with communicating or speaking publicly, this is a workshop for them. Presenting Perfection of Ridgewood is hosting two workshops for teens and tween that are meant to help adolescents who have communication anxiety to master their public speaking skills. The goal is to reduce their anxiety and […]

Communication Anxiety

Welcome to the new social reality of cyber-friends, fake-likes and the growing problem of communication anxiety. by Kathryn Lancioni When I was a kid, I didn’t have a cell phone. There was no such thing as Snap or Instagram.  And, we certainly didn’t have YouTube (although I was lucky enough to witness the debut of MTV.) If […]

Herbal Remedy for Anxiety?

It is no secret, anxiety is on the rise. I blame cell phones and social media — so does just about anyone else who has given it some thought.. Since it looks like these two stress-boosting phenomenons are going no where, we have to adjust around them. As a physician, I am obligated to say the […]

4 Tips to Avoiding Trickle Down Anxiety

By Shannon Albarelli We live in a society of speed, technology, and information overload. People feel they have to be uptight, hypervigilant, and anxious to be effective. It used to be you left work and went home to unwind, and now you have your devices that follow you everywhere. The body is designed to be […]


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