Morning Routines Made Easier

rushing, 3 tips, busy, on the go











Mornings. Ahh if only they were like all the coffee commercials: You, angelically asleep in a bed that still looks made up from the day before, hair and make-up, spot-on, the sun peeking through your very clean window, kissing your face and the idyllic sounds of nature gently coaxing you awake (along with the smell of Folgers).

GoodmorningAs if! No one I know has ever started their day remotely close to this. It’s more a frenetic scene of cacophony and chaos. People running amok, loud, jarring, rude noises, washing moldy bread down with cold coffee while trying to wipe the toothpaste stain off your shirt so you can wear it “one more day” (actually the third day now). Kids are moody, already crashing from eating sugary cereal, throwing a bag of chips in their backpack for lunch while putting an elastic in your daughter’s hair which may or may not be combed while hubby dashes for his train, forgetting his lunch and the dog is destroying one of your sofa cushions. THAT is more realistic.

While I am NO expert on effective morning routines, I have learned a few tips over the years to help me cope. I am absolutely NOT a morning person despite my line of work. But because I often have to be up and “on” very early (pre-sunrise), I had to find ways to get better at mornings (or lose all my clients). Also, there is nothing worse than sending off your family members for the day with anger, frustration, sadness or just plain stress. No one likes to start a day that way.

So here are some of my tips for coping with the mornings and (hopefully) making them as smooth and uneventful as possible:

Good Night– It’s all about prepping for the next day.

  1. Pack everything required in school bags and set by the door.
  2. Make lunches and keep in the fridge until morning.back to school lunch containers on sale
  3. Set out clothes and anything else required for the following day based on the weather and activities.
  4. Consistent bedtime routine and TIME. A good night’s rest also ensures a happier, more cooperative person in the morning. This goes for adults too.better sleep week
  5. When possible, have older kids shower/bathe at night.
  6. Plan morning routines to optimize timing and use of morning “hotspots”(bathrooms, kitchen). Staggering schedules means no one is wasting time waiting.


Good Morning– Follow a plan but be flexible

  1. Earlier bird. As painful as this can be, mornings ALWAYS go more smoothly if I have time to wake up before dealing with humans (and animals). I need a little quiet “me” time in the mornings to mentally prepare to orchestrate the big show (as in, assist everyone in their morning routines along with myself).
  2. COFFEE – It’s magical properties help turn me back into a nicer person.
  3. Early birds. Schedule wake-up times to allow each child enough time to comfortably get ready. If you are rushing to leave on time, consider getting your kids up 10-15 minutes earlier. On the other hand, if you have a kid that wakes up at the crack of dawn, ready to go (my youngest), you may have to manage that excess energy so it does not interfere with the rest of you. Quiet activities like reading and drawing or playing in her room work well.
  4. Keeping it simple can still be healthy. I am a big fan of overnight oatmeal, or other similar hearty breakfast dishes that just need to be warmed up. Smoothies can be made in large batches for all or saved for later. Hard-boiled eggs are great for breakfast and lunches or plain old leftovers work just as well.acai bowl, bananas, strawberries, granola, fruit and acai bowl
  5. Efficiency of movement. Decrease your morning mileage by avoiding constant running up and down stairs in getting ready. Have your kids get dressed and wash up before coming down for breakfast. I keep brushes and hair stuff downstairs so I can do my youngests’ hair without running allover. When my kids were little I had them dress downstairs where I could help them while doing things I needed to (like eat or get breakfast ready). You can keep toothbrushes and paste in your downstairs bathroom so kids don’t have to go back upstairs at all. This is helpful especially if your kids get easily distracted and end up playing and wasting time.
  6. Expect the unexpected. Even the best made plans can fall apart. On those days, I find triaging what’s most important helps keep me focused. Letting go of some things is OK (no time for editing outfits, no time to read, no time for fancy hairstyles, I may have to shower later in the day). In the end, if you can get them off to school happy, clothed and fed, you’re doing great and if you beat the bell – bonus points!girls walking to school


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Author: tammyjuco

Motivating and assisting you and your family to a healthier and happier lifestyle.


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