Kids Christmas Baking Ideas

While many are getting into the holiday spirit by whipping up a batch or two of their favorite Christmas cookies, why not kick things up this season by making a creative holiday treat. These will add holiday charm and whimsy to any table.

These are super easy to make and kids will love them. From with sprinkles on top blog.

Check out these adorable snowmen cake pops. Make them for a holiday party, recipe from 52 Kitchen Adventures.

Want to serve a semi-healthy dessert to serve? This family created a frozen yogurt Christmas tree treat on the

Do it yourself cupcake cake, and super easy to make. Perfect for a December Birthday Party via Cupcake Wishes and Dreams.

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Author: erinpruitt

I believe the best stuff is passed along. I will be sharing insider "tips" for your home, and fun ideas for your free time.