Holiday Hustle

It’s crunch time as school is winding down and the kids are winding up. Last minute parties, planning and most likely, shopping too. Maybe you’re even getting away for a ski trip or winter beach vacation, which adds another element of stress and “to do” lists. Chances are, exercise may be getting pushed out of your daily routine. To help carry you through the hustle and bustle of the holidays, I’ve created a quick (20-25 minute) full body intense workout that will leave you feeling like you’ve worked hard but with time to spare.


Put on your favorite song (can even be a rockin’ carol – something that gets you up and moving and motivated). Dance around, do jacks, jog on the spot, boxer shuffle side to side, high knees, bum kicks etc. Any movements to get your heart rate up and your muscles warmed.

Holiday Hustle:

Set 1– a) Pushups  b) Pushups // Forearm Plank

Set 2 – a) Holding Weights at shoulder level, Squat and stand to your toes while pressing weights overhead  b) Jump Squats // Wall Sit (back against wall, knees at 90)

Set 3 – a) Mountain climbers b) Mountain Climbers // Straight Arm Plank

Set 4 – a) Plie Squat to an Upright Row b) Plie Squat Jump// Plie Squat Hold

Set 5 – a) Right Rear Lunge to knee and Hammer Curl b) Split Jumps// Hold Right Rear Lunge

Set 6 – a) Left Rear Lunge to knee and Biceps Curl b) Split Jumps// Hold Left Rear Lunge

In each set do as many reps of exercise a) for 20 secondsrest for 10 seconds and repeat, immediately going into exercise b) do the first move as many reps as you can for 30 seconds and straight to the second move (an isometric or hold) for 30 seconds.  Take a quick water break if needed and move on within 30 seconds to the next set. If you have more time, repeat the entire workout from the start or take some time to do a core challenge:

Core Challenge:

Abdominal Crunch (+/- weights) 20” work/10” rest 4X

Reverse Crunch 20” work/10” rest 4x

Side Forearm Plank Hip Dips 20” work/10” rest 2X – HOLD 30”

Switch sides and repeat

Forearm Plank with Knee Dips 20” work/10” rest 3X – Hold 30”

Take some time to stretch – and enjoy the holidays.


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Author: tammyjuco

Motivating and assisting you and your family to a healthier and happier lifestyle.


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