
vitamin A-rich food

Eating to Boost Your Immune System

Coming off of the pandemic, we were all hoping for a healthy few years, but it seems like everyone has the flu, strep, mono or some “unnamed virus” right now. You’ve taken your kids for their flu shots, you’ve stocked up on antibacterial soap and you’ve instructed your children to cough in their sleeve, to […]

6 Things Watermelon Can Do for Your Body

First published July 2018 I believe your pregnant body lets you know what it needs and what it doesn’t need, hence the reason I couldn’t stand the taste or smell of coffee or wine during the first trimester. I craved red meat during my pregnancy Madelyn like a T rex, and then found out I was […]

The Bountiful Benefits of Chinese Cabbage

Bok choy is a type of Chinese cabbage but it doesn’t look like your typical ball of cabbage. Its dark green leaves are connected to stalks. Once you read about the plenitude of benefits that come with this leafy veggie, you’ll want to run out grab a stalk and sauté it up. There are only 9 calories per cup and that cup is […]

Why is Spinach Good for You?

Even Popeye knew that spinach was good for you. Like all green leafy veggies, Spinach is low in fat and even lower in cholesterol. It’s also high in the good stuff like niacin and zinc, as well as protein, fiber, vitamins A, C, E and K, thiamin, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and manganese. […]

The Sweeter, Healthier Potato: The Sweet Potato

If you’re not already of fan of sweet potatoes, you might turn into a fan when you hear what an amazing alternative they are to russet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are packed with nutrition. One potato has over 400% of your daily needs for vitamin A!  They are packed with fiber which can promote a healthy digestive tract and potassium which can help lower your blood […]

Why is Pumpkin Good for You?

It’s pumpkin season…but even when it’s not, I use it a lot in pancakes and home-made bread because I have kids who hate vegetables. It’s one way to get some good vitamin into them without any complaints. So what is so great about pumpkins? • It’s packed with vitamin A. According to the National Institutes of Health, […]

Our 10 Favorite Kale Recipes

Kale is everywhere! But what’s so great about it? Kale: • is rich in vitamins A and K • is great source of calcium and cooked kale gives you more iron per ounce than beef. • has antioxidant vitamin C and can provide 900% of your RDA of vitamin K. Vitamin K prevents bone loss, especially important after menopause. HERE ARE A […]

What’s All the Hoopla about Kale?

Is it really all it is cracked up to be?


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