We Don’t Want to Leave RVC!

The other night my beau and I attended a surprise birthday party for one of my oldest and dearest friends from high school. I was very much looking forward to this event and was grateful to have a young, handsome man on my arm. The thing is, we have been Rockville Centre residents for the past six years and every time – I’m not kidding – every single time we have to leave this town we get a little sinking feeling in our guts! It is like everything we need is right here at our fingertips in this town. Our favorite restaurants, our home, our favorite 7-11, the little convenience store on N. Village, my nail salon, the little white Daniel Gale House on S. Park,  the movie theater, the local jeweler on S. Park Ave, The new escape room, florist, Taco Bell and even our grocery store! Rockville Centre is an expansive yet quaint town that may encompass nearly three and a half miles, but it is our little, safe speck on the universe. Our Avalon apartment complex allows dogs – OMG there are only FOUR others in town that do so, and ours even has a dog run! We spent last summer barbecuing outside our patio and spending time at the pool entertaining with friends – it is a good life that we have. Yet, even though we love our apartment complex, we would like to buy something in town. The quandary is that only four condos in town accept dogs. Now, if you have seen Stella, you will know that she is most likely the cutest dog in town – and most personable. I can’t seem to figure out why buildings will accept cats and not dogs. I have a cat – she’s cool. Doesn’t do much – but she’s not nearly the pet her sister is. Rockville Centre is such a family oriented town – and everyone has a ton of kids and everyone is “town” oriented. I wonder why management companies don’t realize that dogs are part of a family too.

*Disclaimer – This of course, is the opinion of one person and not the entire staff of Tipsfromtown.com

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Author: Thea Ferzola