Your Kids Will Love These! Handmade Sporty Belts for Boys and Unique Headbands for Girls

Finding belts that boys actually like to wear can be somewhat of a challenge. BeRibbon to the rescue! BeRibbon’s got great sporty belts that are sure to appeal to your son. Lots of other designs are available along with the ones shown here. And BeRibbon certainly does not forget about the girls! Mother of three daughters and founder of BeRibbon, MarySue Dwyer knows what girls like when it comes to headbands – ones that stay put and don’t bring along a headache!

This one is perfect for your lacrosse lover. It comes in sizes XS to XL. Color combinations available are navy/green (pictured), maroon/white, and navy/white.


This adorable light blue one with colorful tractors will end all arguments with your little guy about putting on a belt! It comes in sizes XS to XL.



Say goodbye to headband headaches with these! Perfect for active girls, this ribbon headband is made with neon stripe groisgrain ribbon and backed with velvet in order to keep it securely in place no matter what activity she is participating in. Tons of colors and styles are offered from sports teams to One Direction!

Easy shopping for these items and lots more from BeRibbon is available through Etsy at

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Author: ellseaver

Family Editor - When it comes to family matters, there is always something to talk about. Ellen shares the latest.