Caramelized Chocolate, Banana, & Marshmallow Sandwiches

prepared by and photo by Emily S. Downs

Bananas make these even better than an actual s’more.

Size: 4 servings

2 tbsp (1/4 stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature
2 tbsp (packed) dark brown sugar
4 slices whole-wheat potato bread
8-12 large marshmallows
2 metal skewers
2 tbsp semisweet chocolate chips
12 banana slices


Mix butter and brown sugar in small bowl to blend.  Spread over 1 side of bread slices.  Place 2 slice, buttered side down, on plate.  Skewer 4 marshmallows on each of 2 skewers; hold skewers over open flame and toast until marshmallows are blackened in spots, about 10 seconds.  Divide marshmallows between bread slices on plate, leaving 1″ border.  Sprinkle chocolate chips over marshmallows, dividing equally.  Top with banana slices.  Cover with remaining bread, buttered side up, pressing slightly.

Heat large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.  Add sandwiches; cook until brown, about 1  1/2 minutes per side.  Transfer sandwiches to work surface; cool 1 minute.  Cut diagonally in half and serve.


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Author: Emily Sarah Downs

Cuisine Coordinator, Tips From Town, Ridgewood, NJ