7 Keys to a Healthy, Happy Relationship

Happy wife = happy life. Also, healthy, happy relationship = healthy, happy home. I know, sometimes it is hard to find the time to work on what should be a top priority — your marriage. How can you work on it when you are on separate playing fields every weekend, in separate cars every night and on completely separate schedules? Despite its challenges, it is extremely important to find the time to be together and to remember why you said, “I do”. Especially at this time of year, when time, money and patience are stretched so thin they threaten to snap at any moment, pay attention to your partner. An unhappy, combative relationship is stressful, not only to you, but to your whole family.

New Year’s Eve 1998 — look how young and stupid we were!

Psychology Today has a great article on the 7 keys to a healthy relationship. Click here for the full article by Dr. Stephanie Sarkis. Despite what we see on Facebook, no relationship is perfect — I like to blame the kids. Look how happy I was before we had them! In the moment you find yourself Googling “Exit Strategy” or “Divorce Lawyer“, try remembering these 7 points. Look at them as ways to get back to good, or as a reminder of all that was good in the first place.

1. Mutual Respect. Aretha knew what she was talking about.
2. Arguing, Not Fighting. Be more specific.
3. Agreement on Sex. Tough one.
4. Agreement on Parenting.  Easy one – it’s us against them.
5 – Equality with Money.  I need to work harder – skipping this one for now.
6. Common Goals and Values. Goal: get through the day. Values: Love and wine.
7. Fun. When you can’t cry, laugh. When you can’t laugh, get a babysitter.

Originally published July 2016.

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Author: Karen Latimer

Karen is a Family Doctor, mom of five and founder of Tips From Town.