Jump Rope

Channel your inner child and have some fun with a jump rope. Jump Ropes are cheap and can be stored or taken anywhere. By changing the tempo of the move, you can use it to build up your cardiovascular endurance or to do bursts of speed or power drills. Make sure you’re wearing good supportive sneakers and have room to move. When choosing a rope, you don’t have to spend a fortune, just make sure there’s a little weight to the rope for an easy swing. Also, make sure it’s the correct height for you. Stand with both feet a few inches apart on the center of the rope and pull the handles up until the rope is straight. If the rope is the correct size for you, the handles should reach to about your armpits. If you’re a bit rusty, start off slow doing the two –foot double hop in between each rotation with a slow tempo (music with a steady beat can help prevent the tendency of speeding up the arms). As you get more comfortable you can pick up the tempo and take out the extra hop so your feet only leave the ground when they jump over the rope. As your skill improves you can change up your footwork and tempo.

Notes: Keep your grip on the handles relaxed but in control and try not to tense up your shoulders. The rotation of the rope should come more from the wrist than the entire arm. Regulate your breathing as you would any cardio exercise. Watch that you don’t stay too high on the balls of your feet – try to bring the heels down each time. But also focus on stretching the calf muscles after. Practice makes perfect so don’t give up – you’ll get it and you’re kids will think you’re pretty cool too!

Harder: Single foot hops; single or two-foot hops forward and back or side to side; high knees; bum kicks; boxer skip with a toe or heel tap.

Ultimate Challenge: Double or Triple Unders – get that rope around 2 or 3 times before your feet touch the ground.

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Author: tammyjuco

Motivating and assisting you and your family to a healthier and happier lifestyle.


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