Free Workout – Equipment Optional

Exercise, tabata, HIIT, high intensity interval training, home workout, body weight, arms, back, chest, shoulders, legs, glutes. tips from town

This is not only a FREE workout but consider it a formula for compiling further workouts. This “Tabata” – based workout is a form of high intensity interval training (HIIT) developed by Japanese scientist Izumi Tabata for optimal cardiovascular training that burns much more cals in shorter time and it lasts longer too (the harder you work, the longer lasting the burn).

All you need for this workout is a timer, equipment is optional but if you have weights exercise, tabata, interval training, HIIT, high intensity interval training, free workout, legs, back, chest, core, arms, abs, body weight, tips from townthen add it for greater intensity.

For each of these exercises perform 8 rounds of 20 seconds of full-on intense work, followed by 10seconds of rest, before moving on to the next exercise. That works out to 4 minutes per exercise. The second option for each exercise is the easier and less intense.

Start with a 3-5 minute warmup of jogging on the spot, jacks, high knees etc.

20” work/10” rest 8X of the following:

Tabata 1:

  • Burpees or Squat Jump

Tabata 2

  • Squat or Wall Sit

Tabata 3

  • Push – ups or Chest Press

Tabata 4

  • Sit – ups or Double Crunch

Tabata 5

  • Split Jumps or Alternating Lunges

Tabata 6

  • Pilates swimmer or Superman

In about 30 minutes you’re done and should feel like you worked for an hour or more. If you liked this type of workout here’s my big tip: use this Tabata formula to make any number of other workouts. Plug in your own exercises or choose from the growing library from my “Move of the Week” posts (make sure to work ALL body parts – legs and butt, back, chest, arms and shoulders). For each exercise, work for 20 seconds with a 10 second rest 8 times. You can mix in cardio moves like jacks, high knees, jump squats etc.  If you really want a challenge, do a cardio Tababta where all your moves are cardio exercises.

Now you’re set to come up with a variety of workouts all for FREE.


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Author: tammyjuco

Motivating and assisting you and your family to a healthier and happier lifestyle.


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