You’ve Been BOO-ED!
How to Ghost or Boo Your Friends.
Ghosting or Boo-ing season has begun! My kids love Boo-ing more than trick or treating. Every year, they seem to start earlier and their boo-ing bags get more elaborate. New to ghosting? The ghosting season starts October 1 and lasts until Halloween. The kids put together a goodie bag with candy and treats–we even found a spot that had stuff for only $1. Once it’s dark, they head out to their friends’ houses, leave the bag by the door, ring the bell and run. The older kids usually run out of the house in an attempt to catch the Boo-ers. The little kids stand at the door and squeal with excitement of pre-Halloween treats.
And it’s as exciting to be boo-ed as it is to boo. Every night from October 1 – 31, my kids sit anxiously at the dinner table quietly chewing as they await the ring of the bell. Since they are older, they try to catch the boo-ers. When they don’t, there’s endless guessing based on the contents of the bag about who their boo-er might be.
If you want to start the season, print out one of these “You’ve Been Booed” signs to get the booing started in your neighborhood. Get some little goodie bags or let your kids decorate brown paper bags.
Even better is hearing the doorbell ring and opening it to find a bottle of wine with a note that says “You’ve Been Boozed.” “Booze” a friend or a kind neighbor.

Wow, I really need to paint my trim.
Read: Halloween Tricks and Treats for Under $1.