What’s Happening in Ridgewood
Jazz in the Wood A Jazz Dinner Concert
Friday, May 13, 2016
Seatings at 6:00 pm and 8:30 pm
Featuring Ridgewood High School Jazz Lab and Big Band
with special guest Mark Friedman, saxophone
Reservations: $40 includes 3 course gourmet meal. $20 – Children 12 & under
The Woman’s Club of Ridgewood 215 West Ridgewood Ave., Ridgewood, NJ.

Ridgewood Spring Sidewalk Sale Days
Walk up and down E. Ridgewood Ave. and side street for the great discounts…
at Alba, Alex and Ani, Shoe Inn, Ridgewood Running Store, Gap, Gypsy Warrior, Lucky and more.
Travell School Mayfair
Saturday May 14 • 10am – 2pm
Join in the fun at Travells school fundraiser and enjoy bounce houses for little and big kids, arts & crafts, face painting, games, food and NEW this year will be
Outragehisss…Pets live animal shows at 11 am and 11:45 am (Limited to 50 kids per show. Free.
Travell Elementary School, 340 Bogert Avenue • Ridgewood.
GWMS STEM Club Robotics Showcase
Saturday May 14 • 1pm – 3pm
Get ready to see the future. Watch, learn, and play with robots or bring your own to share.
Experience the amazing feeling of meeting New Jersey’s best teams in all age groups.
Raffles, and get awesome prizes. Free.
George Washington Middle School, New Gymnasium, 155 Washington Place, Ridgewood, NJ.
Creating Balance in Children’s Lives.
Wednesday, May 18 • 7:00 – 9:00pm
Part of the Well-being Series: Mental Health Program
Don’t miss this final program in the Well-being Series featuring an expert panel of mental health professionals. 8 engaging evening presentations will focus on topics that will help you create balance in your children’s lives and support their emotional wellbeing. Panelists will give tips on identifying symptom and offer resources.
Co-sponsored by The Valley Hospital, with support from The Foundation
At Benjamin Franklin Middle School Auditorium