Steve Bowman Discusses Summit’s 3 Biggest Concerns for Residents

steve bowmanSteve Bowman is running for Summit’s Common Council for Ward 2. We asked him what he thought the 3 greatest issues are for Summit residents right now. He responded, “Taxes, communication and safety.” Below is a summary of how Steve will deal with what he sees as Summit’s residents top concerns.

• Establish a strong and effective working relationship with Union County to better control future tax payments to Union County and improve the current disparate return on the dollars sent to the county.

• Find ways to reduce city operational expenses and identify additional revenue streams.

• Assemble a regional block by joining with our neighboring Union County cities to demand an effective return on all our tax dollars with Union County.

• Achieve additional revenue by including zoning for a higher density residences in the new Master Plan to increase our tax base.  One and two bedroom condos and townhouses, close to town, would attract first time buyers and downsizing families.

• Support creative ideas such as Uber for commuters and explore outsourcing and co-sourcing services with neighboring towns.


• Find effective ways to keep citizens informed of issues such as permit application status, road construction projects, etc.

• Explore releasing information to residents through electronic means such as Twitter and Facebook posts, as well as, traditional means such as a town bulletin board or flyers.

• Educate residents on the wealth of information that can be found on the town’s upgraded website.


Our town is considered by most to be very safe, but safety is always a concern.

• Examine school drop-offs and pickups, lack of sidewalks, safety at crosswalks, distracted or aggressive driving, and our town’s ability to respond to fire or other potential threats.

• Address safety issues through community policing and growing our community relations for our first responders with residents.

• Enforce safe practices and look for measures that will keep our drivers eyes on the road and will cut down on speeding and reckless driving in town.

steve bowman familyTo read more about Steve Bowman, see “Summit Profile: Steve Bowman.”
Or visit his website:

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