The Home Alone Debate

home alone

When is it safe to leave your tween at home alone? In the absence of legislation regarding this issue (and in most states there is none), it is up to parents to decide when their children are ready.


Beth Meleski, mother of three and co-founder of, a lifestyle website for tween girls, recently spoke with Galit Breen at allparenting.comabout this big step.


“She assures moms facing this tricky issue that they’re 100 percent in the right to feel a bit unsure of how to handle it. She says, ‘Staying home alone is a grown-up thing to do. This is one of the first times we as parents will be able to partner with our tweens to accomplish a mutual goal. It’s up to us to first ascertain they want to stay alone, then to teach them how to stay alone and, finally, to give them the tools with which to succeed. After that, we just have to step back (cross our fingers) and let them try.’”


Click here to read the full article.


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Author: Jennifer Hamlet

Jennifer is the curator for Ridgewood and would love any feedback or suggestions you may have.