Clam Shells

Saddlebags Be Gone! This move of the week is guaranteed to tighten up that (sometimes) pesky outer hip, glute and thigh area. And yes, if done properly you’ll work your core as well. Lying on your side, rest your head comfortably on your arm. Bending both knees and keeping them glued together, tilt slightly forward onto the bottom leg and lift both feet off the floor. Imagine your legs as a large clamshell; the inner soles of your feet stay glued together (they are NOT to come apart) while your upper leg opens and closes. Bottom leg stays on the floor. You will feel this in the top leg outer thigh, hip and bum. “Open and close” slowly for 15-20 reps and then hold the “shell” open wide for a count of 15-20. Repeat on the other side.

Notes: Keep your abdominals engaged throughout the exercise. Breathe regularly and make sure just your top leg is moving and the rest of your body is still – this will further ensure that those outer leg muscles are doing all the work. Keep the feet together and elevated the entire time.

Easier: Do fewer reps or take out the HOLD.

Harder: Do more reps, hold longer, open wider. Hold a hand weight on the outer thigh of the top leg. Use a resistance band or tube tied around both legs just above the knees, the wider you open the shell, the more resistance you’ll get from the band.

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Author: tammyjuco

Motivating and assisting you and your family to a healthier and happier lifestyle.