Have a Successful Staycation

A successful staycation is like any other vacation. Have a plan of attack, map out your days and have points of interest where you’ll be visiting. Make every day of your staycation count by having a full schedule of things to do that will interest both the older and younger members of the family.

Learn a new skill.

Take lessons. Work on that tennis game. Try yoga, pilates, spinning, etc. Even if you and your family members are not avid golfers, this is the perfect time to try it.

Explore Nature.

A perfect opportunity to appreciate nature. Visit parks, go for walks, or enjoy the closest waterfront. Have a picnic with family, go bike riding, or plan a scenic hike.

Read books.

We all have a list of books on our bedside table which we never get around to reading because they’re just too long.

Try an exotic cuisine.

When eating out, don’t go anywhere you’ve been before. Order dishes outside of your comfort zone.

Be a tourist in your own city.

These are things that you keep putting off because you “live here and you’ll get around to it someday.”

Eat outside.

There’s something about being seated outside on a beautiful day. This is one of the quickest and easiest ways to feel like you’re on a getaway during your staycation. Search for the best outdoor restaurants, patios, cafes, rooftop bars and beer gardens near you.

Don’t do errands.

Nothing in your life will fall apart if it’s ignored for a single week.

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Author: erinpruitt

I believe the best stuff is passed along. I will be sharing insider "tips" for your home, and fun ideas for your free time.


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