parenting today
5 Ways to Get Your Kids to Help
Taking care of a home, feeding all the people that live there, managing multiple schedules and handling emergencies that will inevitably pop up is exhausting. Exhaustion increases stress, diminishes happiness and leaves you with too little energy for enjoying the life you work so hard to maintain. Having helpful kids is a game changer. I am […]Masks Off: Tips to Help Your Child Through the Great Unmasking
Governor Murphy of New Jersey announced a couple of days ago that the mask mandate would be lifted on March 7th. It is an arbitrary date, and while I’m not certain, based purely on science (NOT my political views,) why the masks can’t come off today, I am very grateful there is finally a light at the end […]How Were Your College Kids Over Thanksgiving?
“I want a redo.” Also Read: Tips for Staying Healthy in College Two of my kids are in college now, and even with three still at home, the house feels so empty. I was giddy they were coming back, sleeping in their own beds, and I was planning all these moments to catch up with them. If […]Update: Great News About COVID-19
Also Read… Masks and Your Child:What We DON’T Know I realize good news is hard to come by, doesn’t sell a lot of papers and makes selling an agenda more difficult. However, in the midst of all the decisions about how we can protect our children and their teachers and provide an education, in the […]6 Tips For Staying Sane during School Shutdowns
Also Read: 5 Good Things About CoronavirusMy kids are “learning from home” for the next two weeks (at least.) This is unprecedented and stressful, but there is no getting around it, so I think we have no other choice but to buckle down and make the most of it. Read: How we can reframe this crisis. […]How to Talk to Kids About Suicide
Suicide is in the news, it’s in our communities, it’s on our minds. It is most likely also on the minds of our children who are no longer sheltered from the big bad adult world the way kids used to be. Gossip is overheard. The news is always on. Social media can shock. Kids talk to […]4th Grader’s Letter to Crazy Parents
My boys aren’t playing a winter sport, and I have to say, I don’t miss it. Not because I don’t want to drive them to practice or even that I don’t enjoy the games. I have come to appreciate our time in the car together, I value the physical activity for them, and there is […]5 Ways Art Classes Can Expand Your Child’s Mind
Being a visual artist, maybe I am a bit bias and consider art more important for kids than some other parents. Today, it seems that sports seem to take precedence over everything else. I understand the importance of children being active and physically healthy, but someties I think that the arts get the short end of the stick. With art, there are no rules, […]10 Reasons Your Elf Didn’t Move Last Night
Also Read: Our 25+ Favorite Family Games Very rarely, ok … sometimes, ok … more often as they have gotten older, the elves forget to move. Well, I’m sure they don’t forget, I’m sure they have a really good, jolly elf excuse. They only talk to Santa or to other elves, so I can only guess […]Take Up More Space — for your daughter’s sake
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